American Foreign Policy of Isolation / American role in World War 1 & 2
American Foreign Policy of Isolation / American role in World War 1 & 2 (Part-2)
20th century and American Foreign Policy:[1]
Woodrow Wilson after Theodore Roosevelt (1901-08) become the president of
America with the slogan of “He kept us out of war," Woodrow Wilson and Theodore
Roosevelt both were inclined of internationalism, although the emphasis was more
on Principles than on Power.
v View of Theodore Roosevelt:
considered as a “Rough Rider” during
the Spanish – American war and as a president from 1901 to 1908, embodied the
new and more muscular spirit of internationalism. He saw that isolation did no
longer exist in the national interest. He explains in these words:
“The increasing interdependence and the complexity of international political and economic relation”
“Render it incumbent on all civilized and
orderly powers to insist on the proper policing of the world.”
v World War 1:
World War 1
started between European power in 1914 – 1918 when German attack on France
through Belgium and Europe divided into two parts Axis and Allies.
Allies |
Axis |
Britain |
Germany |
France |
Austro Hungry |
Russia |
Turkey |
Italy (1915) |
Italy (till 1915) |
America (1917) |
v America opinion about war:
Woodrow's Emphasize was more on Principles than on Power. Yet the old tradition of noninvolvement in European wars was still strong enough that when World War 1 broke out in Europe and Wilson administration tried to stay out. America wants to remain neutral in World War 1 and also want to stare her trade and commercial relation with European and Asian states. But in 1917 America entered the war as an Allied power.
v Entry of America in World War 1:
The US didn’t
want to enter in war but eventually become part of the war in 1917, to save
the American power. Because in 1917 naval race started between European states
and Germany attack the US trade ship and as a result, 128 Americans were killed
and Germany claims this attack was a mistake and thought that the ship was for
enemies. And the second reason which provoked America to enter the war was
the “Zimmermann telegram” in which German secret message to Mexico in 1917
proposing an alliance against America. And declared war against America and in the
reward Germany was offering help to Mexico “reconquer the lost Mexican
territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona” above two reasons provoked the
America declared war against Germany and other Central powers. On the other
hand, the American Congress also accepts the American government's decision to
enter the war as an allied power and helped the Allied power against Axis power (Germany).
v Role of America in World War 1[2]:
plays a pivotal role in World War 1 because the American entry and help become
the reason for allied success in war and the allied won the war against Axis.
Because in 1917 allied powers not were in good condition and they want the
economy and military help to win the battle against Germany. America considered
the main bone of power for allies and provided military and economic help for
France, Britain Russia, and other allied powers. With the US's help Britain was
able to block the German trade of goods and services in naval races and at the
end of the year allied was in good condition as compared to the axis. When Italy was
defeated at the hand of the Germans in 1917 and on the other hand Russian
announced withdrawing from war because of the internal revolution, allied power
struggle a lot. But the USA provided great help to allied power and it also
strengthens and facilitated Russia soon the revolution. Above all US acting and
declare war against German itself boast up the Russian and other allied powers.
In 1918 when Germany only 40 miles away from Paris eventually the allies power
able to victory over Germany because the French, Britain, Russians, Americans, and
other allied troops attack German troops near Paris from different points, and their strategy not give any line to German troops to move forward and in
1918 allied powers with the military, emotionally and ecumenically help of
America won the battle against Germany and Central powers
v Peace settlement and America:
To maintain a feeling of peace in Europe by the end of
1918, the world leader especially American leaders taking concern in the post-war settlement. In January 1918 American president Woodrow Wilson gave 14
points which considered the milestone to establish peace.
Wilson 14 points are:
diplomacy (no secret alliance and treaties).
2. The free
navigation of sea (transport or trade note be effected by any cause).
3. Liberalization
of the economy.
4. Disarmament
(states should reduce their arms).
5. Evacuation
of Russian territory (by Germans).
6. Colonial the claim should be resolved in view of public interest.
7. Restoration
of Belgium as a neutral state.
8. Liberation of France.
9. Territorial
claims of Italy should be settled by diplomacy.
10. Austro-hungry
government and people (indoor) have full right to choose their representative.
11. Serbia,
Romania and Montenegro should also choose their future.
12. Turkey
self-government and also open the Dardanelles.
13. Independence
of Poland.
14. Associations
of the nation – which later become were League of Nations.
The way of
Wilson 14 points are the reflection of idealism in which he talks about the
collective security and open diplomacy. He also signifies the internationalism
in terms of collective security because the US adopting the isolation policy and
started the trade and commercial relationships with other states but not a part of
politics of the state.
After the Wilson 14 points, many reforms come
in the world and in Europe, and many treaties especially the Treaty of Versailles based on Wilson 14 points philosophy. After
the war, the era of 1919-1939 knows as
the Peace Settlement era. In this
era, America plays an active role to resolve the issues between European states. League of nations created in the world for
the betterment of states also inspired by the Wilson idea. Above all America
play a key role in the Washington conference
of 1921-1922, the Kellogg-Briand pact of
1928, Young plan of 1929 and in world disarmament conference of
v Turn in American policy:
In 1919 to
1930 US play a role of key agent and a peace broker in the world. And this era US
policies were will not practice in full form of isolation. But in 1931 to 1933 America
adopt the full isolation policy because Japan attack Manchuria (China) and
LON was helpless in this matter. After this attack the President Hover of
America again returns in complete isolation policy, because they also feel
threatened that any state attack on America that’s why again adopt the neutral
policy towards world affair and these show with different American policies:
a. US refused to impose any economic sanction on
b. Also refused to use any force against Japan.
This period is considered the strict banner
of isolation in America.
v World War two (2) 1939 to 1945:
The second
war started in Europe on September 1,
1939 with the beginning of Germany's
invasion of Poland. After Germany started invasion 2 days later Britain and France declare war
against Germany. Also, historians believe that 2nd war began at that time
when Japan violated the Washington treaty of 1921 and attack Manchuria (China) on 18-19 September 1931.
power in World War 2:
In axis power
in World War two Germany was a
major power and other supporters of Germany were; Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.
power in World War 2:
In allies power
major states were Britain, France Russia
and Belgium but also other states participate in war and play an active role
in war, these were: US, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark,
Greece, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and Yugoslavia.
ü America role in World War 2:
When the war began America adopts the neutral role and wished the peace
in Europe. America began to slowly edge toward war when the situation in Europe
grew increasingly dire. The breaking point and the reason for America's entry into the war was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7-8, 1941. This
attack shock America and resulted in this attack American lost its fleet as well as deaths 2,500
Americans. However, the attack may not have a sudden event because the tension
started between the US and Japan escalating for several years before the attack.
President Roosevelt and the British
Prime Minister Winston Churchill
devised a strategy and Churchill rejoiced that America was finally engaged in
the battle against the Nazis, this became known as the Europe First or Germany
First strategy. The morning after the attack, the United States declared war on
Japan. True to the agreement of the Tripartite
Pact, Germany, and Italy declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941.
After the German and Japan defeat World War 2 ended and leaders of world nation who tried the post-war peace since 1942 officially established the organization which known of as a United Nation (1945). Which work for the betterment of states and maintain peace in the world. And 5 major power of the world become founding members or permanent members of the league in which China, America, Russia, the UK and France.
fought the war with French, Britain, and Spain (also other states) and after the
independence American leader wants that the US didn’t interfere any other nation
matter and no other state interfere American affairs that’s why America for its
self-interest adopt the isolation policy. Like other nations American foreign
policy main objectives are based on peace, noninterference, power and
prosperity etc on that time. America adopt neutral role towards world affair
because America wants to establish its economy and power and didn’t want to
enter alliances and treaties with other states. America know very well that
alliances were the main reason for war and conflict and the US don’t want another war
which shaken American policies and strength. So in my opinion American only for
that reason didn’t make an alliance with Europe and other states. Another
reason in my view which becomes isolated America is the bitterness and
humiliation because American ruled by centuries from French and Britain and got
independence from British rule.
America believes
in Capitalism and Russia's ideology is communism that’s also one of the reasons
for American neutrality. But America didn’t adopt complete neutrality. It
has trade and commercial relationships with other nations because America knows
very well that they want other nations to build their economy. It’s true that America was a part of World War
1 and 2 but America was the least damaged country in wars and after the WW2
America emerged as a world power and America break its foreign policy of
isolation. America changed its policies and role from time to time. When the US feels the
need for other nations it conducts the relation and when its interest over she
change its policies. For example in War on terror America wants Pakistan to support
so she conducts a very good relation with Pakistan and supports Pakistan
economically and militarily when its interest over she change its policy towards Pakistan and stop supporting Pakistan.
So we can say that the American policy of
isolation is not absolute it was relying on other nations. And America plays
politics in today's world very well. Her policies influenced world other states
especially 3rd world states. Today world America is the capital
state and the world's largest power in terms of economy military and industry.
[1] Bruce W. Jantleson, American foreign
policy 21-century dynamics, 3rd edition, (New York. Duke
University, 1951) p. 64
[2] Bruce W. Jantleson, American foreign
policy 21-century dynamics, 3rd edition, (New York. Duke
University, 1951) p. 65
E.H CARR, International Relation between two world war 1919-1939, (Hong Kong.
Macmillan Press, 1939)pp. 19-21
[4] James Peterson, American foreign policy:
alliance politic in a century of war1919-2014(New York. Blooms bury academy, 2014)
pp. 28-30
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